Source code for alphatwirl.roottree.BranchAddressManager

# Tai Sakuma <>
import array

[docs]class BranchAddressManager(object): """The branch address manager for ROOT TTree This class manages array.array objects used for branch addresses of ROOT TTree. The main purpose of this class is to prevent multiple arrays from being created for the same branch. All instances of this class share the data. """ arrayDict = { } counterArrayDict = { }
[docs] def getArrays(self, tree, branchName): """return the array.array objects for the branch and its counter branch This method returns a pair of the array.array objects. The first one is for the given tree and branch name. The second one is for its counter branch. The second one will be None when the branch does not have a counter. A pair of None will be returned when the tree does not have the branch. """ itsArray = self._getArray(tree, branchName) if itsArray is None: return None, None itsCountArray = self._getCounterArray(tree, branchName) return itsArray, itsCountArray
def _getArray(self, tree, branchName): if (tree, branchName) in self.__class__.arrayDict: return self.__class__.arrayDict[(tree, branchName)] self._createArraysForBranchAndCounter(tree, branchName) return self.__class__.arrayDict[(tree, branchName)] def _getCounterArray(self, tree, branchName): if (tree, branchName) in self.__class__.counterArrayDict: return self.__class__.counterArrayDict[(tree, branchName)] return None def _createArraysForBranchAndCounter(self, tree, branchName): leafNames = [l.GetName() for l in tree.GetListOfLeaves()] if branchName not in leafNames: self.__class__.arrayDict[(tree, branchName)] = None return leafInfo = inspectLeaf(tree, branchName) if leafInfo['arraytype'] is None: self.__class__.arrayDict[(tree, branchName)] = None return tree.SetBranchStatus(leafInfo['name'], 1) if leafInfo['countname'] is not None: tree.SetBranchStatus(leafInfo['countname'], 1) maxn = 1 if leafInfo['countmax'] is None or leafInfo['countmax'] == 0 else leafInfo['countmax'] itsArray = array.array(leafInfo['arraytype'], maxn*[ 0 ]) tree.SetBranchAddress(leafInfo['name'], itsArray) if leafInfo['countname'] is not None: itsCountArray = self._getArray(tree, leafInfo['countname']) else: itsCountArray = None self.__class__.arrayDict[(tree, branchName)] = itsArray self.__class__.counterArrayDict[(tree, branchName)] = itsCountArray
[docs]def inspectLeaf(tree, bname): # This dict maps a ROOT type to a type code of the python array # # typedic = dict( Char_t = 'b', UChar_t = 'B', Short_t = 'h', UShort_t = 'H', Int_t = 'i', UInt_t = 'I', Float_t = 'f', Double_t = 'd', Long64_t = 'l', ULong64_t = 'L', Bool_t = 'i', ) leaf = tree.GetLeaf(bname) leafcount = leaf.GetLeafCount() isArray = not IsROOTNullPointer(leafcount) return dict( name = leaf.GetName(), ROOTtype = leaf.GetTypeName(), arraytype = typedic[leaf.GetTypeName()] if leaf.GetTypeName() in typedic else None, isarray = isArray, countname = leafcount.GetName() if isArray else None, countROOTtype = leafcount.GetTypeName() if isArray else None, countarraytype = typedic[leafcount.GetTypeName()] if isArray else None, countmax = leafcount.GetMaximum() if isArray else None )
[docs]def IsROOTNullPointer(tobject): try: tobject.GetName() return False except ReferenceError: return True