Source code for alphatwirl.binning.RoundLog

# Tai Sakuma <>
import math

from .Round import Round

[docs]class RoundLog(object): """Binning with equal width in log scale Parameters ---------- width : float or int, default 1 The common logarithm (log10) of the width. aboundary : float or int, optional A boundary. If not given, ``width/2`` will be used. min : float or int, optional The lowest bin will be the bin that ``min`` falls in. It must be a positive value. If given, ``__call__(val)`` returns ``underflow_bin`` if the ``val`` is less than the lower edge of the lowest bin. underflow_bin : optional The underflow bin. When ``min`` is given, the ``__call__(val)`` returns ``underflow_bin`` if the ``val`` is less than the lower edge of the lowest bin. max : float or int, optional The highest bin will be the bin that ``max`` falls in except when ``max`` is one of boundaries. It must be a positive value. When ``max`` is one of boundaries, the highest bin is the bin whose upper edge is ``max``. If given, ``__call__(val)`` returns the overflow bin if the ``val`` is greater than or equal to the upper edge of the highest bin. overflow_bin : optional The overflow bin if ``overflow_bin`` is any value other than ``True``. If ``overflow_bin`` is ``True``, the overflow bin will be the upper edge of the highest bin. When ``max`` is given, the ``__call__(val)`` returns the overflow bin if the ``val`` is greater than or equal to the upper edge of the highest bin. valid : function, optional Boolean function to test if value is valid """
[docs] def __init__(self, width=0.1, aboundary=1, min=None, underflow_bin=None, max=None, overflow_bin=None, valid=None): self._round = Round(width=width, aboundary=math.log10(aboundary)) self.width = width self.aboundary = aboundary self.min = min self.max = max self.valid = valid if self.min is None: self.min_bin_log10_lowedge = None self.underflow_bin = None else: self.min_bin_log10_lowedge = self._round(math.log10(self.min)) self.underflow_bin = underflow_bin if self.max is None: self.max_bin_log10_upedge = None self.overflow_bin = None else: self._round(math.log10(self.max)) # = self._round.boundaries[-2] self.max_bin_log10_upedge = self._round.boundaries[-1] if overflow_bin is True: self.overflow_bin = 10**self.max_bin_log10_upedge else: self.overflow_bin = overflow_bin
def __repr__(self): return '{}(width={!r}, aboundary={!r}, min={!r}, underflow_bin={!r}, max={!r}, overflow_bin={!r}, valid={!r})'.format( self.__class__.__name__, self.width, self.aboundary, self.min, self.underflow_bin, self.max, self.overflow_bin, self.valid ) def __call__(self, val): if self.valid: if not self.valid(val): return None if val <= 0.0: if self.min is not None: return self.underflow_bin elif val == 0.0: return 0 else: return None if self.min is not None: if math.log10(val) < self.min_bin_log10_lowedge: return self.underflow_bin if math.isinf(val): if self.max is not None: return self.overflow_bin else: return None if self.max is not None: if self.max_bin_log10_upedge <= math.log10(val): return self.overflow_bin val = math.log10(val) val = self._round(val) if val is None: return None return 10**val def next(self, bin): if bin is None: return None if bin == self.underflow_bin: return self.__call__(self.min) if bin < 0: return None if bin == 0: return 0 if bin == self.overflow_bin: return self.overflow_bin log10_bin = self._round(math.log10(bin)) if log10_bin is None: return None log10_next = if self.max is not None: if log10_next == self.max_bin_log10_upedge: return self.overflow_bin return 10**log10_next